Homeschoolers Under Attack Again? Any Day Now….

President-elect Barack Obama’s daughters just finished up their first week at their new school, the pricey private-school-for-children-of-the-elite Sidwell Friends (the same school Chelsea Clinton attended). It has apparently earned favored status among hypocritical politicians who vote against vouchers and tax credits that would allow other children to attend the kinds of schools they choose for their own children.

In an op-ed piece in the Washington Times, writer Gary Jason reminds us of Obama’s anti-school-choice stance, then points out that the teacher’s unions that helped put him in office will surely use their newly acquired power to go after homeschoolers. Nevertheless, I found this to be quite an optimistic article.


3 thoughts on “Homeschoolers Under Attack Again? Any Day Now….

  1. This isn’t going to be done over night. It will take them a long time. By the time they get their act together he’ll be out of office.

  2. Hopefully not, Janet….we’ll fight hard if we have to.

    BarbaraLee, you make a lot of sense. Thanks!

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