Do’s and Don’ts of a Highway Birth

Were any of your children so eager to enter the world that they couldn’t wait until you made it to the hospital?

My cousin Candice (a homeschool mom, btw) has four daughters. Her youngest, Ania, arrived while Candice and her husband were en route to the hospital. Ania was born in their car on the side of the highway while cars raced by in the next lane.

Candice and her husband are journalists who documented their big event with photos and Candice’s recent post in the Boston Globe, “Do’s and Don’ts of a Highway Birth.”  And Ania is now a healthy two-year-old.  🙂

4 thoughts on “Do’s and Don’ts of a Highway Birth

  1. My daughter was almost born in the car, we barely made it to the hospital. What an adventure:) She is now a healthy 23 year old and seems to have survived quite well!

  2. My 2nd was induced a week before my due date because we lived an hour from the hospital and my 1st labor had only been 3 hours start to finish. Everyone kept telling me that later deliveries go faster than the first one & I was so worried about the possibility of delivering in the back seat of our car. As it turns out, my 2nd labor was 6 hours so I likely would’ve had plenty of time to get there.

  3. Kristy, we’re doing ok, thanks, and it’s beautiful up here as always. It will be very hard to leave, but we look forward to what God has planned for us downstate.

    Karen, glad to hear you got there in time… you tease her about it? 🙂

    CW, sorry to hear you were induced. That happened to me twice, and I was not crazy about it. Amazing that your first baby came so fast!

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