Giveaway #4: “Preparing for the Challenges of Adulthood”


If you’ve ever heard Dr. James Dobson speak to a group, you know how engaging and informative he can be. In this video, part 1 of the “Life on the Edge” series, Dobson talks with teens about how to make decisions within God’s will once they become adults.

What are the toughest decisions we have to make as adults? Leave your answer as a comment on this post by Friday, April 2, and you’ll be automatically entered into a drawing for this video, “Preparing for the Challenges of Adulthood,” part of a video series I recommended in my book Life Prep for Homeschooled Teenagers, where I wrote:

I highly recommend this video series for its common sense and Christian attitude about the issues and decisions our teenagers will face as adults.

Stay tuned for more giveaways!

3 thoughts on “Giveaway #4: “Preparing for the Challenges of Adulthood”

  1. G’day Barbara

    The biggest adult challenge I faced, in fact, as a young teen who was living out of home from age sixteen was learning to choose the company I kept.

    It took me several years to learn the discernment to choose my close friends wisely. It also took me a long time to work out what discussions to not participate or feed into, or when unavoidable to simply bite my tongue and refrain from ill speech.

    Research shows the company you keep strongly influences who you become and the life decisions you make. Hindsight certainly affirms this in my life. Without learning to pick my company so many of my life decisions would likely have been different and most certainly not for the better.

    Thanks for the thought provoking question – each week they are becoming more challenging!

  2. I trust the Godly wisdom of Dr. James Dobson. It is absolutely incredible to consider the decisions facing our teens today!

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