I’m Making Your New Year’s Resolutions (Just Thought I’d Help!)

I know how busy you are right now, so please let me make your New Year’s Resolutions for you. In 2013, you will:

  • Set aside a day to meet a friend for lunch without kids around. It doesn’t matter if she’s a homeschool mom or not, just make sure it’s someone you like. And have fun!
  • Set aside a day to read a book you’ve been wanting to read. Let the house go, let the kids fix cheese sandwiches when they get hungry, and let them see you laying around reading intently. What better advertisement can reading have than a mom with her nose in a book?
  • Set aside a night (or better yet, a weekend) to spend with your husband. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you spend it alone and together. And if you have no one to watch your children (been there, done that!), set your alarm for 4 am and spend some time cuddling (got that idea from Mary Pride many years ago).
  • Set aside a day to take a field trip that YOU want to take. If that means your kids have to walk through a quilt show or participate in a Zumba class, so be it. Showing them that their mom has her own interests is good for them.
  • Call a good homeschooling friend and arrange two play dates: one where she takes all your kids while you spend the day at home alone, and one where you do the same for her. It’s called sanity, and you have to pursue it; it won’t come to you!
  • Resolve to pick a day a week to abstain from social media and the Internet (ideally Sunday). You won’t believe how peaceful you’ll feel and how much time there will be for other things.

There…all done! Now go and have a Happy 2013!

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