This is it: the final giveaway! It sure has been fun giving away books, and it helped pass those last few gray weeks of winter
Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks With Over 125 Illustrations is our new old book. It’s an 1890 kindergarten story curriculum that we’ve republished, making it larger and easier to read, and adding illustrations to make it a great read-aloud curriculum for children.
This book started selling as soon as it was published: it’s been so exciting to see people’s response to it! Diane Lockman, new classical method columnist for Practical Homeschooling magazine, said on her blog:
“Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks is sure to please your young homeschooler as you snuggle and read about animals, nature, fairy tales, fables, and even how old-timey household objects were made and chores were performed like how to churn butter…. Especially interesting to me are all the references to what we now call “homesteading” and the lost art of homemaking from scratch with whatever resources you have on hand at the time. My mother-in-law would love this classic storybook, and I’m sure that she would stop every now and then and tell stories from her own childhood. In fact, this would be a great gift to purchase for read aloud time at granny’s house.”
Here’s your chance to get this new book for free. Just leave a comment to this post answering this question: what’s the best thing about homeschooling with classic books?
Leave your comment here before midnight on Friday, April 23 to enter the drawing. Good luck!
The best thing about homeschooling is…can I put more than one thing?
Classic books are so refreshing. The plagues of the modern world are not there. The quality language is a good example for the children (and me,too) and the stories make the everyday interesting.
Put my name in the hat, Barbara. We thoroughly enjoyed the sample story you posted.
We have really enjoyed the sample from this–Thank you!
One of the best things about homeschooling with classic books is that they are timeless. Like a visit with a dear, old friend, so are our times of reading classic books with our children. I hope they will feel the same with their children.
This book sounds great! Thank you for sharing about it and for offering the giveaway. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
I’d love to use this book with my kindergartener! One thing I love about homeschooling with classic books is the chance to reread them myself, connecting my good memories of reading them the first time with the new memories my son is making reading them with me.
The best thing about homeschooling with classic books? For me it is: the complexity and the richness of the language, the timeless quality of the stories, and the fact that these books treat the reader–whether child or adult–as an intelligent being who is seeking something other than mere entertainment. The classics know the reader is looking to be inspired, uplifted, and challenged.
Thank you for your website, Barbara. I always find it informative.
the best thing is no bad language! it just turns me off to a book when i flip through a book and my eyes fall on foul language.
My daughter and I LOVE our read-aloud time and I’m so excited about using this wonderful book in the future. I was a public school teacher and I’m so thankful to be able to homeschool my daughter now. I know firsthand how classic books are often put aside in school. We love the language, stories and history in our classics.
The reason I love to use the classics in our homeschooling is the timelessness of the stories. Everyone can enjoy them, no matter their age. Please enter my name into the drawing for “Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks With Over 125 Illustrations”, I have 3 young children who would enjoy them, and I suspect my older two would enjoy them as well.
Thank you and God Bless, ~Tammi
I love the old classics as I never did many as a child and I am having a second education!
It also make s one feel nostalgic for the ‘old’ days!
This book sounds wonderful…My 7 year old and I read every morning and every night at bed time…We have read together forever…My older children enjoy reading to the younger siblings and our grandchildren…Our children are avid classic book readers, this is something we have always read to the kids and they still enjoy reading them..
Well I’ve not used one before but love to. My daughter will be in kindergarten next fall and we love to read together. This book looks like a great find.
I am looking for new things for my girls and myself for curriculum. I have a six year old that needs me to find creative ways for her to learn, she has no interest! I really need help in this area, so I would love to see if this is something we could work from. Thank you for your website.
Homeschooling with classic books, like others have said, provides a quality vocabulary with timeless ideals that our children can strive for.
This book looks wonderful! Thank you for all you went through to make it available and now sharing with one lucky winner free!
The sample is so good. I do family child care and this looks like a great resource to use. Susan
This is a book that I would love to use with my oldest daughter who is in kindergarten but also with my two younger ones. We love to sit down and read a good book together!
I love the wonderful memories created from homeschooling with classic books. As we read these books together we each individually create our own relationships with the characters; then we strengthen our relationships with each other as we discuss and share our indivdual thoughts ~ I don’t know of any text book that can do that! We so regularly have discussions where one of the kids will say, “That reminds me of Caddie Woodlawn’s brother ~ remember when he…” or “I bet that’s how Daniel felt when he saw Jesus talking to the crowd…” These books have not only been a joy and a breath of fresh air in comparison to workbooks ~ somehow they have seemed to strentghen and stretch us!
The best thing about homeschooling using classic books…is that I get to rest my feet while I read (: But seriously, I love the bond it brings to a family to read together. It makes it all worth it when a child references a book and says, “Mom (or Dad), remember when….!” P.S. I would love to win this book to read to my twin 5 year old daughters (:
This book looks wonderful. So far the best thing about homeschooling has been that my son isn’t coming home from school saying he doesn’t want to read anymore because it is bad to be smart. He doesn’t have any teachers who won’t let him play the learning games with the others because it hurts the self esteem of the other children, and he also has no teachers calling him lazy because he doesn’t excel at every subject, only a few. His primary instructor loves him as he is. We have permission to let him soar in some areas, and understand that he will lag in others, don’t we all?
The best thing about homeschooling with classic books is having my 7 children gathered around me hanging on every word and asking for more!
Homeschooling with classic books provides an opportunity to bridge the generations and relive the wonder of childhood past. In a world of dime-a- dozen paperbacks and questionable subject matter – classic books are truly a treasure waiting to be found.
The best thing about home schooling with classic books are the enduring truths, purity and honesty found in them. They start that little light burining inside us, that light of happiness, hope and imaganation, and makes it a fire that draws others to it for it’s warmth.
We love our read-aloud time with classic literature – it is part of our life, not just part of our homeschooling journey. My children hang on every word of the timeless stories; their imagination flourishes & their interest & appreciation for these types of stories/books grows daily – which is such a blessing for me to witness!
Thank you for offering this giveaway!
Thank you for your newsletter and bringing back some of these great books. The best thing about homeschooling with classical books is of course, as most everyone has already stated, the memories and the family stories they allow you to share with your children as you read them. Classical books have a moral, they give you a chance to truly care about a character that is fully developed, they lend themselves to wonderful discussions of time gone by and right and wrong. But most of all as it becomes popular to pinch pennies, classical books afford us the oportunity to see that sometimes simpler truly is better despite the advertisements to the contrary.
There are two reasons why I love homeschooling with classic books. One is that the language is so rich it causes us to learn new words w/o the need for a curriculum devoted to vocabulary. I can introduce my children to fine words, and they can hear them in context. Those same words usually show up later in their writing or their conversations. The second reason I love classic books is that the morals are sound and immovable, and the society portrayed in the books assume those same morals as a base for life. I don’t have to “teach” my kids what right living is when we’ve chosen a jumping off point of good, sound and moral classic books.
Homeschooling with classical books, I feel, keeps our family centered on “real” life – bringing us back from the sometimes cheap, plastic, disposable modern life. It helps us keep a link to the past alive, appreciating it and truly living it through words written ages ago. Classical books were written when writing and printing a book could not be a product of mass production, and those that have survived are often truly gems.

Thank you for your generosity, Barbara!
Classic books are amazing. They take you back to a time and place that is magical and simple.
thank you for making this treasure available.
Mrs. M