Five Must-Have School Supplies for Homeschooling Parents: #4

One of the most important school supplies for homeschooling parents is creativity. Many people believe they are not creative, but often that’s because their creative selves were snuffed out by institutional schooling and, later, a business world that claims to prefer creative minds but actually finds conformism much easier to handle.

Open your mind: visit other homeschooling parents’ blogs and see what they’ve been up to lately. Take lots of trips with your children to museums and zoos. Paint and draw with your kids. (My son loves when we draw together. We’ve been doing it for so long that it’s just part of our lives now.)

A heightened sense of creativity will help you make changes where needed. You won’t fear dumping a book or curriculum for something new; in fact, if you let it, your sense of creativity will help you put together an eclectic curriculum tailored specifically to each of your children. Feed your sense of creativity and it will serve you well.

Tomorrow: #5

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