Homeschooling Works!

The latest homeschooling statistics are in. Here are just a few little factoids:

Over 2,000,000 American children are now being homeschooled.

They score an average of 34-39 percentage points higher than schooled children on standardized tests.

Homeschooled college students do better than schooled college students.

It just goes to show that homeschooling works! Learn more here.

Your Kids’ College Competition Can’t Write

Do you worry that your kids aren’t good enough writers?  Are you concerned that by the time they get to college, they won’t have the skills to write papers that will help them pass their courses? If so, don’t worry.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t teach your kids to write well. It’s an important skill to have. But maybe you shouldn’t worry so much, because according to this writer, the competition isn’t too tough. In fact, he says that unless they have a lot of money to pay term paper writers, the competition can barely put a sentence together.

This man writes term papers for a living. College students buy them from him and claim them as their own. He says it’s big business, and that many, many students pass their college classes this way.  How depressing is that?

By the way, he claims that college students in one specific course of study provide him with more work opportunities than any other:

I, who have no name, no opinions, and no style, have written so many papers at this point, including legal briefs, military-strategy assessments, poems, lab reports, and, yes, even papers on academic integrity, that it’s hard to determine which course of study is most infested with cheating. But I’d say education is the worst. I’ve written papers for students in elementary-education programs, special-education majors, and ESL-training courses. I’ve written lesson plans for aspiring high-school teachers, and I’ve synthesized reports from notes that customers have taken during classroom observations. I’ve written essays for those studying to become school administrators, and I’ve completed theses for those on course to become principals. In the enormous conspiracy that is student cheating, the frontline intelligence community is infiltrated by double agents. (Future educators of America, I know who you are.)

Remember that the next time you hear someone say that only parents with teaching degrees should be allowed to homeschool…..

They Don’t Teach This in College

There’s an increasing amount of debate going on these days about college and whether it’s worth it anymore, especially in an economy where people with degrees are among those hit hardest by unemployment.

This article’s author suggests that our government is responsible for pushing kids to college, including many who are not college material to begin with. It’s sad to think of so many young people graduating with a diploma that doesn’t help them find a job, but does saddle them with debt that they must repay.

The author offers a solution to that problem, though…..a certain type of job that will help new grads develop a very important skill: how to sell products and themselves. Makes a lot of sense! In the meantime, we should be encouraging this skill in our kids before they leave home.

Questions (and Answers) for Homeschooling Parents

If you’re not a subscriber to “The Imperfect Homeschooler” newsletter, you probably can’t answer questions like:

  • What practical course of study can be used to teach your children about science and theology?
  • Where will you find a huge database of teaching helps and lesson plans?
  • Where can you get a free eBook about beating the high cost of college?

The answers to these questions plus other useful information for homeschooling parents can be found in the current issue. Do subscribe so you can receive each newsletter “hot off the press.”  🙂

College Debt Could Affect Your Children for the Rest of Their Lives

I can’t help it: I’m a date geek. I have all sorts of dates parked in my head of things that have happened in my life, both big things and little things. And sometimes I make mention of these things on the appropriate days. (My family thinks I’m nuts.)

Today marks one of the big things. Continue reading