Two closely watched political races that come to a vote tomorrow include candidates who have been homeschooling parents.
Sharron Angle of Nevada, who’s put Harry Reid in danger of losing his Senate seat, homeschooled her children for many years. And Dr. Art Robinson, the scientist and homeschool dad who created the Robinson Curriculum, is giving longtime rep Peter DeFazio a run for his money in Oregon’s 4th district of the House of Representatives.
I often talk about homeschooled kids doing well, but it’s also exciting to see homeschooling parents who want to serve their country in high-profile political races. I guess it just goes to show there is life after homeschooling (hear that, all you veteran homeschool moms?)
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Great to know! I’ll be watching with interest. Thanks for the heads up!
Peace & Grace, Kim
Thanks for stopping by, Kim. As it turns out, neither Angle nor Robinson won, but it sounds like they each put up a good fight.