A is for Answers

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A is for answers. As a new parent, you become the “answer man” for your young child. (“What’s that thing? Why is it raining? Where does the sun go at night?” etc.) But as a homeschooling parent, you’ll become your children’s source of answers for the foreseeable future (at least until they learn how to look up facts and other information). This will be a key part of your job description, so find a way to make peace with it! Eventually, your children will learn to find answers for themselves. In fact, by the time they’re adults, you’ll be flattered when they actually ask for your opinion  🙂  Until then, embrace your status as “answer (wo)man”!

Want to read more about homeschooling? You’ll find many homeschooling articles by clicking the “Homeschool Info” link at the top of the page, or “Homeschooling” at the bottom.

Signs of Summer

Yum…nothing says summer like green beans fresh from the garden:


Another sign of summer: tomorrow is August 1, and for many of you, that means getting ready for another year of homeschooling. It’s been six years since I finished homeschooling my youngest, but I still get that desire to buy more curriculum every August. Old habits die hard, I guess!

Back when I had the newsletter, I wrote and published a series called “The ABC’s of Homeschooling.” I think I’ll run it again, starting tomorrow, for those of you who would like a little encouragement as you start another (or maybe your first?) year of homeschooling.

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More on “The ABCs of Homeschooling”

As the saying goes, great minds think alike.

I recently began sending out a subscription-only series of summer e-mails for homeschool encouragement with the oft-used title “The ABCs of Homeschooling.” Yesterday I learned that Dawn of the homeschool blog 5KidsandaDog has been doing a weekly blog meme with the same title for several weeks. I had no idea she had this series planned when I wrote my articles on the same topic and scheduled them with my email marketing service. It was a coincidence.

I believe that the more we share information with other homeschoolers, the better off everyone will be. In that spirit, I encourage you to check out Dawn’s blog for additional insight into the homeschooling life and to participate in her blog meme, which invites you to come up with your own “ABCs of Homeschooling.”