If Mom Goes Back to Work

Lately I think about whether I should go back into the workforce.

After all, I’ve got only one child (age 16) still at home during the day now, and a husband who’s also at home. If my husband homeschooled our son, I could get a job.

However, according to this article, “Studies have found that for every two years a woman is out of the labor force, her earnings fall by 10 percent, a penalty that lasts throughout her career.”

Hmmm. I’ve been home with my kids for 26 years. 10% X 13 equals 130%. That’s quite a drop! That statistic is not referenced, however, so I can’t check to see if it’s legitimate. Just as well. If it were true, my paycheck amount would be a negative number!

That’s assuming I could even find a job. Somehow I don’t think potential employers would be impressed that I’ve spent the past 25 years raising children and homeschooling them. I doubt that homeschooling is one of the keywords they look for when they scan resumes.  8)

Looks like it may not be worth all the upheaval to be a “relauncher,” as women returning to the workforce are now called. Maybe I’ll stick to being a modestly paid but happy work-from-home writer for as long as I can.

Should Kids Be Able to Graduate After 10th Grade?

Just stumbled onto this thread over at Lucianne.com. The comments are quite interesting.

Two of my favorites:

A BA in sociology (Where you study poor people for four years then become one.)

Senior year is a waste of time. Like Newt Gingrich pointed out, it’s just a government subsidized social dating program.

What do you think?

(Note: comment threads at L.com disappear after 48 hours, so don’t wait too long to check this out.)