New! Shovelhorns and Black Bruin


We have a new book out just this week. And my husband painted the cover art! Learn more about this “new old” book below:

Do your boys enjoy reading? Do you have trouble finding books that catch their interest and are good for them to read? Then you’ll love Shovelhorns, the Biography of a Moose, and Black Bruin, the Biography of a Bear, two classic novels in one new book.

These two wildlife animal stories will captivate your boys. These aren’t namby-pamby tales but realistic adventures written by naturalist Clarence Hawkes in the early 1900’s: classic stories which boys will enjoy.

Best of all, you’ll get two of Clarence Hawkes’ wildlife adventures in one book. Readers of all ages will love these stories, but especially boys who enjoy the outdoors and stories that don’t hold back from telling about the life and death struggles that occur in the wild.

Shovelhorns, the Biography of a Moose, first published in 1909, is the story of a moose in the harsh woods of New Brunswick, Canada. Relive the life of this moose as he grows from a small calf to a great bull moose. Learn how his mother protects him from a fierce wolf pack. As he matures, he experiences his own adventures and battles, including his be­friend­ing by the son of a Northern hunting guide, and the inevitable time in his life when he must prove he is deserving of the title “King of the Wilderness.”

Following this story is another exciting adventure. Black Bruin, the Biography of a Bear, first published in 1908, is the story of a black bear in northern New York. You’ll be hooked from the start as you read the exciting circumstances of how Black Bruin becomes part of a young farmer’s family. This black bear from the wild desires freedom, and his strength and appetite bring him constant conflict. You’ll be enthralled reading the many trials Black Bruin faces as he strives to be “King of the Mountain.”

Clarence Hawkes’ storytelling will keep your boys (and you) turning the pages and wanting to read more of his wildlife adventures from this exciting era. Both stories are beautifully illustrated by Charles Copeland.


Five Must-Have School Supplies for Homeschooling Parents: #5

So far we’ve covered four school supplies every homeschooling parent should have:


Thick skin

Sense of humor


The fifth must-have school supply is something you might not have thought of, but having it is what will carry you through the hard times, the frustrating times and the miserable times (yes, you will have bad times occasionally.) It is a sense of purpose.

Do you know why you’re homeschooling? Is it because you feel called to do it? Or perhaps you saw your child suffering in public school and you decided no one will ever hurt your child in a learning environment again?

Maybe you feel that it’s your duty as a parent, or a patriot (distrust of the liberal agenda in public schools is high these days). Or it’s possible you see homeschooling as the logical extension of parenting, because you realize that parenting doesn’t stop at age six, or four, or whatever the legal age for starting school is in your state.

The important thing is that you have a sense of purpose. Once in a while I run into someone who’s homeschooling because their spouse pressured them into it, or because their best friend is homeschooling and they decided on a whim to do it, too. Those are the people who end up putting their kids in school sooner or later.

A clear sense of purpose will keep you going even when the kids are cranky, and your mother tells you your stress level would shrink if you would just put those kids in school, and your husband complains that his feet are sticking to the kitchen floor, again. Homeschooling ain’t for wimps, but with a strong sense of purpose, you can keep going no matter what so that your children and you benefit from the many blessings of homeschooling.

Five Must-Have School Supplies for Homeschooling Parents: #4

One of the most important school supplies for homeschooling parents is creativity. Many people believe they are not creative, but often that’s because their creative selves were snuffed out by institutional schooling and, later, a business world that claims to prefer creative minds but actually finds conformism much easier to handle.

Open your mind: visit other homeschooling parents’ blogs and see what they’ve been up to lately. Take lots of trips with your children to museums and zoos. Paint and draw with your kids. (My son loves when we draw together. We’ve been doing it for so long that it’s just part of our lives now.)

A heightened sense of creativity will help you make changes where needed. You won’t fear dumping a book or curriculum for something new; in fact, if you let it, your sense of creativity will help you put together an eclectic curriculum tailored specifically to each of your children. Feed your sense of creativity and it will serve you well.

Tomorrow: #5

Five Must-Have School Supplies for Homeschooling Parents: #3

The third must-have school supply for homeschooling parents is a sense of humor. There will be times when the toilet backs up while you’re in the middle of explaining how fractions work, the doorbell rings while you’re up to your elbows in papier-mâché and the baby spits up all over your daughter’s favorite doll, leaving both children in tears. There’s even a good chance these things could happen all on the same day. If you have a choice, choose laughter.

Tomorrow: #4