The Philadelphia Story

I’ve been a classic movie fanatic since I was a little kid. The movies of today have done nothing to change my opinion that the old films are the best.

Case in point: This weekend we watched the 1940 film The Philadelphia Story (Two-Disc Special Edition) for the first time in quite a while, and it was as enjoyable as ever. It stars three of my favorite actors (Cary Grant, James Stewart and Katharine Hepburn) and is based on the hit Broadway play of the same name. It’s the story of an heiress who expects perfection in herself and everyone around her, and how she learns that “to err is human; to forgive, divine.”

James Stewart won an Oscar for Best Actor for this film, and Katharine Hepburn reversed the impending failure of her career by buying the rights and starring in it. Cary Grant is wonderful as always. The supporting characters are all very interesting, and there’s a particularly funny turn by Virginia Weidler as the main character’s precocious younger sister.

There’s no swearing, no sex, no violence (well, except in the first scene, lol) and lots of laughs along with just a few serious moments. Young children won’t appreciate this movie, but some teens might (primarily girls, I would think.) If you need a laugh, check this one out!