The good news is that I lost weight. The bad news is that my lovely vintage corduroy jeans are way too big on me. They’re made out of strong and stretchy corduroy, the kind you can’t find in stores any more:

They’re a good brand, too:

What to do? Make them into corduroy pants for an active 5-year-old grandson. First up, smooth out one pants leg:

Then pin and cut out a boys’ pants pattern piece:

Do the same for the other pant leg and the other leg pattern piece. Then cut out the pocket:

Attach to the pocket piece something that makes the pants into “Superhero pants!” at the request of said grandson:

Follow pattern directions, and you have a “new” pair of Superhero pants. Front:

And back:

Then, so little sister gets something, too, make a pair of flannel Peppa Pig pants in a smaller size:

Those, of course, were not repurposed and required a trip to the fabric store for Peppa Pig flannel 🙂 Grandma doesn’t want anyone to feel left out!